Tijela najmanje dvadesetorice muškaraca u civilnoj odjeći ležala su u subotu u gradu Buči sjeverozapadno od Kijeva koji su ukrajinski vojnici vratiti pod svoj nadzor, javljaju novinari agencije AFP.
Jedan od muškaraca imao je vezane ruke, a tijela su bila porazbacana na području od više stotina metara. Nije poznat uzrok smrti, no jedno mrtvo tijelo imalo je veliku ranu na glavi, a drugom su ruke bile vezane na leđima. Po voštanom izgledu kože novinari AFP-a zaključili su da mrtva tijela leže ondje nekoliko dana.
Ukrajina je objavila da je Buča "oslobođena", no grad je potpuno uništen sukobima, stambene zgrade izrešetane su, a ulice pune olupina vozila, javljaju novinari AFP-a.
Upozoravamo - sadržaj ispod može biti uznemirujući
This is #Bucha. The outskirt of #Kyiv. Russians were killing people with their hands tied behind their backs and left the bodies near the road. I am shaking. #StopPutinNOW pic.twitter.com/ffzUV8d5xo
— Kira Rudik (@kiraincongress) April 2, 2022
Russian army left Ukrainian town of Bucha after having executed probably hundreds of civilians. Bodies are laying around with hands tied. I have questions to Scholz, Merkel, Steinmeier, Maas, Baerbock, Lambrecht, Gabriel, Platzeck and others. pic.twitter.com/nfkEqvqAeU
— Sergej Sumlenny (@sumlenny) April 2, 2022
Bucha, Kyiv region. The bodies of people with tied hands, who were shot dead by 🇷🇺 soldiers lie in the streets. These people were not in the military. They had no weapons. They posed no threat. How many more such cases are happening right now in the occupied territories? (1/2) pic.twitter.com/AJloZ81JIt
— Михайло Подоляк (@Podolyak_M) April 2, 2022
My brother sent this to me. Town of Bucha northwest of Kyiv. The amount of dead citizens on one street alone…I just can’t even process. pic.twitter.com/KOSwISih6N
— Viktoriia 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@ViktoriiaUAH) April 1, 2022
Terrifying videos have surfaced from Kyiv’s suburb of Bucha, where civilians were shot by Russian troops.
— Oleksiy Sorokin (@mrsorokaa) April 2, 2022
We still know only about a fraction of the war crimes that Russia has already committed. The scope of Russian brutality is yet to be seen. pic.twitter.com/JVCcPUFpSD
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